Interesting fact that under UK law the parent is responsible for the childs education, not the state. If you want to home educate that's your choice or you can send them to a state education facility. Things are not so free in Germany and Sweden, where your child must attend state education and home education is illegal. Forcing parents who want to HE to move out of the country. Those in Sweden who refuse to send them to school and HE in that country, will have their children taken away.
Things are not so free in Germany and Sweden, where your child must attend state education and home education is illegal.
State education (in its modern form) is a Prussian invention, so not surprising that Germany is like that. (You can see in the submitted chart that Germany is the first to pass a compulsory primary education law.)
I read about a family moving out of Sweden for exactly this reason. Crazy.
It is crazy, lots and lots of swedes have left and live in other EU countries (& travel the world) that are more HE tolerant. Other fun fact, and it's not Friday, it was Hitler who outlawed Home Education in Germany and that law still stands.