I think there are a lot of concepts that you got wrong.
The austrians got it right, the problem is lack of capitalism + fiat. that generates weird economic effects and perverse incentives.
Wealth """concentration""" isn't a thing to be concerned only for those who are envious. Under hard money and Free Market 100% lassie faire the economy thrives, don't have such a cyclical bubles from the business cycle and capital goes with people who take better care of it. And yes, some people work harder, are more productive and thus accumulate more capital than others and it is fine.
Don't take me wrong, I'm not trying to be based or something but I honestly thing there is a lot of your point of view that is based in a lack of understanding of what capitalism is. Though I also think there is a bit of true in going against "this" system, since a lot of fortunes were created not on the basis of providing value to society but in being close to a politician or the money printer.
As i said, im no economist. I leave Economic definitions to the Chief Finacial Officer who i often figth with over decisions. Im a chemist, that happen to read some papers on extreme capitalism. Im not defining nothing here. I believe by professional experience that we live in some sort of extreme capitalism that is leading to the disappearence of commercial margins for small companies. As distribution is not even of fair ( as you mentioned the money printer proximity) and leads to a disruption of a healthy economy.