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I'm reading the comments on Reddit and they couldn't be more absurd, seriously, instead of investigating, they just litter.
Kudos to him, he was clearly ahead of his time in regards to Bitcoin, although his expectations on how fast Bitcoin would go mainstream were off by a decent amount, but still: I hope he followed through on his conviction and went all-in, looks like he deserves it.
It's wild reading the (negative) comments in regards to Bitcoin from then, only to realize how gigantically they fucked-up not partaking 🤣
my memories of /r/economics is shaky, but I was active back then.
I'm pretty sure the "great mod purging" happened around this time...maybe 2010 even. Regardless I unsubscribed from /r/economics once the commies had completed the coup.
The reddit of 2009 vs 2012 were entirely different things. It went from a 80% libertarian / ron paul / austrian economics place to a 95% MSM / commie / keynesian fest
My favorite comment: Reddit is the Jonestown of the Internet
So much Trump derangement on Reddit
Reddit users are a good proxy for recent college student zeitgeist
FUCK REDDIT. WE WILL NEVER GO BACK TO THAT SHITHOLE. Don't try to fool us to click on that shit link from reddit.
Was it a shithole in 2011?, because that's when the content was written.
You could just post a screenshot and will be fine. But pushing people back to that shithole is lame. REDDIT IS FUCKED. GET OVER IT.