Bitcoin can and has already validated elections
Tokens are not only not needed but inviting fraud.
0 sats \ 7 replies \ @fm 4 Mar
awful.. bitcoin is sound money. fuck ordinals fuck voting using bitcoin on-chain.. Havent seen the video yet though..
Nothing worng with having tokens for shit like when i put gas in my car and BP gives me 500 points.. its the same.. tokens for that are just what they are.. Not sound money
If, at the outset you could demand that they just give you sats back instead of making up a shitcoin, wouldn't you?
Same situation applies.
Create value, give value in the form of bitcoin or GFY. Everything else is a shitcoin.
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @fm 4 Mar
Loyalty can’t be bought with sats. Defeats the purpose. What you suggest is a cashback. Not loyalty program.
Im not agains blockchain as tool.
Im against shitcoins as money..
If you own a company im not telling you how to run it.. Feel free to create value as you want.. Or not
Blockchains are just expensive shitty databases that only add value when you need to verify every little thing like the world reserve currency.
For everything else there's shared DBs which have been around for 2+ decades. Any other assertion to the contrary is someone pumping their bags.
Bitcoin not blockchain.
If you own a company im not telling you how to run it.. Feel free to create value as you want.. Or not
All is well and good if you're not committing fraud. Few and far between. It's sad and it's predatory what shitcoiners do. That is why people here and elsewhere are vehemently against "crypto". Find something productive and generative to do with your life.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @fm 4 Mar
Find something productive and generative to do with your life.
I lost you here
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 4 Mar
I can’t really elaborate on something I haven’t understand. You mean companies should do something productive instead of shitcoins?
As money i agree its not productive . I just dont see the harm of using a blockchain protocol for supply chain or voting.
That's good because the former is far worse because not only is it non-productive but it is exploitative.
The latter is just a very inefficient solution at least in the case of supply chain. Hyper Ledger has been around for a long time. You do not need a blockchain to prove chain of custody. A database (and a blockchain) are no better than the people with write access to it. Bitcoin controls this by forcing miners to expend resources to broadcast the new state of the blockchain. I don't think the same could be said for the cheap chinese goods people plan to push through the hemispheres. There's no way to prove/disprove fraud on such a microscopic level. For those use cases trusting your supplier + IoT guardrails will have to be good enough.
I'll confess I should know more about how Stakwork did the voting system but this is worth checking out. The idea is that Guatemala has been had exceptionally bad corruption and they people really wanted a way to prove there was tampering in a way that uses Bitcoin's immutability. I do not have all the exact details but I"d be surprised if you could find an altcoin solution that is actually better and not just a scam. If you have a better solution I'd love to hear it.