Do you know BACONESE, the bacon mayonnaise from that famous fast food chain? Well... this one is even better and very easy to prepare.
2 eggs, boiled for 10 minutes
1 1/2 cups (tea) approximately of bacon, cubed (which yields 1 cup (tea) of fried and drained bacon)
1 box of cream 200g
1 clove of garlic
1/2 tablespoon of vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika
Salt to taste
Milk, if necessary, to set the point
Method of preparation
1-Cut the bacon into small cubes, and in a frying pan fry the bacon until golden and set aside.
2-In a blender add the bacon, boiled eggs, cream, garlic, vinegar, paprika and a pinch of salt.
3- Beat until creamy, if necessary add a little milk so that it has a creamy mayonnaise texture.
4-Take the fridge.