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A History of Revolution in U.S. Taxation

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.”
While this quote was penned in 1789, his words still ring true today. U.S. taxation has changed over time, but it has always existed in some shape or form for over 250 years.

U.S. Taxation: 1765 to Today

In today’s infographic from New York Life Investments, we explore the history of U.S. taxation – from its colonial roots to its recent reform.

Bonus: Countries by Top Income Tax Rate

Visual capitalist skips 90 percent tax rate in 1960s and 70 percent tax rates in 1970s.
Top rate fell from 70 to 50 in 1981.
Income Tax is inefficient and immoral.
Income Tax is inefficient and immoral.
Can you explain it like I'm a five-year-old? :)
The income tax amendment demonstrates how people vote against their own interest
wish i could read that first chart natively on SN - anything with really high aspect ratios is too blurry to read on zoom
Is there anything I can do?
it isn’t a problem stackers should be expected to fix/deal with, appreciate the link to the original source though
If you click on ..., I think you'll be able to see it better
TIL! I don’t think I ever noticed that ellipsis menu
yup, that’s helpful for sure
How nice to see my country in one of the highest positions (Spain), it's a shame, a country of thieves
European policies require high taxes. But to be honest, I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. I think it depends on which side we're on.