Glad to hear from you,
half day walking around and talking, about life
Glad you guys can have the time and clarity to meet eachother like that. Sometimes that process gets blocked because people are.. people..
had some very real conversations about what if she dies ... she is going to prepare videos for the kids, things she wants them to know, places she dreams of visiting with them, things she wants them to know...
Despite the outcome, preparing for death is so important during life. cancer or no cancer. afterall, death is the only thing sure about life. Preparing, her, and yours, will make you both grow and make you stronger. This helped me a lot with my sanity for the people i lost. One of the good lesons i took from buddhism.
provided us with a lot of perspective on our lives. In the scheme of the world, we are very fortunate. Loving family all around, more wealth than 99% of the world, health insurance, food, amazing kids
Guess this makes her life even more precious. And probably will make you guys value even more the comming years. Also bittersweet because make you hold on to life stronger.
I've really been dealing with the ups and downs of the process. I feel good and hopeful, then I swirl down a negative path, or I catch on that my wife is having a hard day and might start to also nosedive
It wont be easy.. But you have to stay strong for the family.
I recently lost my young father to a quick cancer. He got to live just 7 months and me being and expat, had very litle room for goodbyes.. He never got to meet my second son. Shit was hard and still have wounds.. And i see this as a small thing compared to what you are going trough.. As i have a wife and two smol kids, i cant even imagine if this happended to her..
My prayers are with your family,
Stay strong