Understood. Indeed proximity matters, especially for a busy dual income family. And price matters too, as I went to Singapore for a few days back in 2016 and learned that it is definitely not a cheap city to live in. I imagine the cost of living being even higher now compared to 8 years ago.
As parents, we all want what is best for our kids according to our subjective reasoning. Personally, I like the play based method for younger kids, because I feel at such a young age, they learn best when they play and explore the world around them through their senses. I also think that free play helps curate their creativity and not put their mind into a mold. Kids can probably learn any alphabet in a few days at an older age, but once they think touching mud is dirty, they will probably be afraid to touch mud for a long time. Just my subjective reasoning and personal preference for my kids, not trying to say which method is superior or inferior. And definitely not trying to tell you how to raise your kids. I guess I'm just a lazy and cheap dad wanting to throw my kids outdoors to play with mud and broken branches instead of paying for and driving them to tutor classes.