I love your conclusion and hope you and your kiddo have tons of fun letting his “quirky imagination” run rampant!
Our preschool didn’t assign any homework and gave the parents a speech to help us establish appropriate expectations about what our kids’ artworks will look like coming home since they have very little adult help.
Basically we received lots of works that resembled Pinterest fails… plus glitter. Lots of glitter.
Yet, several years later, my kids are eager to get creative, don’t fret about going outside the lines (at some point they did learn how to color inside them), and have wonderful senses of personal expression.
I would also encourage you to continue to communicate your feelings about homework and workload in general with your kid’s teachers.
Your children’s preschool sounds wonderful. Smart in calibrating parents’ expectations and in taking a step back and letting your kids hold the reins. Too many teachers invest their energy wrongly in getting children to colour inside the lines!