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But when the regimes tighten the screws will we really see pushback. It’s easy to push back when they aren’t throwing you in prison or freezing your bank account or getting you fired for not complying. We will see what the pushback is like during the next “crisis” or “emergency”.
I think we will this time. Trust/belief in government and other institutions is at historic lows throughout the west and I don't believe they have the power to rule through force. Rule in the west is based on compliance. I don't think they're equipped to deal with resistance effectively.
Hope so. I have more faith in the US resisting than Canada. Happy to be proven wrong.
I heard someone speculating that in the event of a hot war with Russia, the US may just conquer Canada in order to maintain a defensive buffer against Russia. So, silver lining?
Only if you guys sell Quebec to France.
They're not really between us and Russia, so maybe just leave them to their own fate.