Quick and easy pasta with mussels or clams and fresh tomatoes. This recipe does not contain tomato sauce.
Chef's notes You can substitute mussels with clams, or do both, and even add shrimp if you like. I don't measure anything, just eyeball everything and use any amounts of clams or mussels you like as long as it feels proportionate with spaghetti. Depending on the thickness of your spaghetti, you may need to cook it ahead of time, or at the same time as the toppings.
⏲️ Prep time: 5 🍳 Cook time: 10 🍽️ Servings: 2
Thin spaghetti Tomatoes (any kind) Garlic White Wine Salt Parsley (Optional) Parmesan Cheese (Optional) Mussels or Clams Olive Oil
Wash and clean your mussels or clams. You can keep them in salted water so they open up and spit out any sand. Heat up olive oil in a large pan or a deep pan, depending on how much pasta and mussels you're making. Deep frying pan is usually enough for 2 people Add thinly sliced garlic Throw in the washed mussels or clams, or both Add white wine. Eyeball the amount - enough to let the mussels sit comfortably half-covered. Cover with lid and steam on high heat until all of the mussels open up Throw in chopped tomatoes. Use many, at least a cup. There's no such thing as too many tomatoes. Salt everything generously Steam for a few more minutes Meanwhile, you should have your pasta ready or boiling to be ready any time. Do not overcook it! Cook to "al dente" texture (basically the minimum recommended cooking time) Strain pasta but don't rinse. Add directly to your mussel-tomato-wine sauce and stir it all together. Turn off the heat, it's done! Plate in a large bowl. Top with finely chopped parsley if you want, and grated parmesan cheese. Hot sauce optional. Enjoy!
This looks good. I'm a big fan of mussels. Is there a recipe book in your future?