Clearly the political class wants open immigration from the third world.
We can deport millions of people like Eisenhower did, operation wet back
We can build a wall like Hadrian and Berlin to keep people out
We choose not to and encourage the opposite
It's sad if it has to come that far, because deportation is inhumane.
I don't trust governments with immigration policies, I won't trust them to enforce deportation policies either, here's why: there were 11 million French settlers living in the colonies, mostly in Africa. My grandparents and parents traded, went to the same schools with them etc. Where do you think these settlers are today? They were forced out, more or less violently, after the colonies gained their independences.
Lookup 'the luggage or the coffin,' or what Mugabe did with the white farmers.
I'm not implying the US will do the same today, but surely there must be another way?
I’m sorry about your parents and grandparents in North Africa. Independence is the worst result for third world people.
Regarding illegal immigration, The first and best step is prevention
The worst step is deportation. Maybe incarceration is more humane and effective
Some immigrants commit violent crimes such as rape and murder. What is the humane response?
Yes, l hear you, but I have no answer. The time for rationality is long gone anyway...
What is the rational response?
Do you live in a neighborhood where Spanish is the first language?
Poor immigrant enclaves no one chooses to live in. Once affluent clean neighborhoods have been transformed into third world habitats.
Illegal immigration has been a problem since 1965.
How much the state will have to grow, how many trillion$ will it have to print to incarcerate all the illegal immigrants. I'm not sure, but do we really want that, also especially because it's a non violent crime... dunno honestly.
We don’t have to incarcerate everyone. We don’t have to deport everyone. Incarcerate and or deport the men.
I suppose we can place ankle bracelets on 15 million undocumented