To add on to this, there is a timing for everything. My boy is approaching 5 years old and still wears diapers. He knows how to go to the urinal for peeing but still poops in his diaper. I don’t get why some parents get so stressed out about having their off-spring be toilet-trained by a certain time (read: the earlier the better). My wife and I are decidedly chill about this. When he is ready, he will ask to sit on the toilet bowl. No need to rush haha
I'm really impressed that you and your wife are staying chill about that. My belief was similar, but even as our daughter was approaching four we were wondering more and more when that kid would poop on the potty. Which Costco box of diapers would be our last?
Then, just as you describe, one day she just started pooping on the potty and has barely even had an accident since. We're still using those Costco diapers at night, though. May as well get our money's worth.