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Like every time it's XXX420 or XXXX69 or something?
i only celebrate block all-time highs 😤
Just the halving blocks, and celebration isn’t really applicable, more so noteworthy
I noticed we are getting very close to block 840000. We know what that means right?
Every 210.000 blocks big celebration
I'd go for difficulty readjustments if I wanted to further obsess over Bitcoin. Two weeks is a neat timeframe.
840,000 is coming up soon and it's going to be a party.
What am I missing? Why is that significant?
Yes, that's the Halving.
That’s the last block of 6.25 block subsidy
Oh yeah duh me. I guess that's a given. I was thinking like personal or symbolic, like the first time you bought Bitcoin, or proposed to your wife, whatever.
It would be kinda cool to celebrate specific block times. Need to give it some thought.
There was a recent podcast where they were talking about a halving party this year, and how all subsequent ones will be bigger and bigger. They hypothesized after block rewards are gone there will still be some sort of worldwide celebration. Anyway, that's what got me thinking about it
Maybe bitcoin's first conjunction when the halving and difficulty adjustment occur on the same block will be cool in the early 2030s, otherwise no, the closest thing related to celebrating specific blocks might be ordinal theory, captured in rare sats via Ordinals.