These are great. I think it might be fun to do a similar post about how parenting changed us.
My wife and I have been struggling with numbers 3 and 5, lately. It's some combination of sleep deprivation, low-level respiratory illness, and an extra needy sick kid. Fortunately, one of us usually has some reserve of patience when the other runs out. (Right now, that's me. I'm writing this while laying on the floor with my daughter laying on my back.)
Kids can be darned persistent!
We've sure been getting treated that lately. Today, I was woken up at about 5:30 because my daughter couldn't find her scissors. We haven't been able to find them and even hours later she's still going on about it.
Thanks for giving me the idea for a probable follow-up post haha.
It’s a cute image. I imagine her going on and on about her missing scissors while you try to pacify her reassuringly without lifting your eyes off your hp screen haha