Pelicans/Pacers was getting close to Globetrotters/Generals in competitiveness.
Monk was incredible. I really enjoyed his season with the Lakers and I'm glad he found a home with a fun team.
I didn't understand the Globetrotters/Generals reference, so I turned to the mighty search engines of the internet. I learned about the circus act team versus the team that try to play normal basketball, and how the circus act team would win almost every time, interesting stuff.
Although Monk was great last night, that shot choice at the end of regulation was questionable. I think he was way beyond the arc and just went up for a jumper which ended up being an air ball that was way off target. He was super clutch late in OT though, 2 3s in a row, which pretty much won them the game.
Woah. I thought everyone knew of the globetrotters.
I am shocked and appalled that you didn't know who the Harlem Globetrotters were.
I honestly had no idea. But from what I read online, it seems like an interesting and entertaining act. Will check out some highlights on YouTube tonight after work.
In that case, you'll have surpassed my level of knowledge.
They were big enough that Wilt Chamberlain joined the Globetrotters before the NBA.
I thought they only play exhibition games? Which is usually just an act? I guess I'm wrong in that assumption.
No, that's correct. Think of it like professional wrestling for basketball. They're all very talented basketball players, but they're doing goofy scripted stuff instead of real basketball.
Did I tell you the story of going to the Harlem GlobeTrotters game when I was 12 and my dad being part of an on court challenge at halftime?
No, that's so cool!
It was really cool until my dad missed every shot and I was so embarrassed. Haha.
The company he worked for was sponsoring the event so they had 4 or 5 different managers from the company that got to take part in a contest at halftime to win a prize. I don't recall it being a super notable prize.
There were three spots they had to shoot from. One close to the basket, one half way up the key and then the free throw line and they got 5 chances from each spot with the winner being the one scored from each spot in the fastest time. Sadly my dad missed all 5 shots from the first spot. Even one of the female participants at least got the first one. (she must have been a ringer)
Anyways, I was at the game with my mom and a buddy of mine and I don't remember this vividly although I do remember him on the court shooting but apparently I was cheering like crazy when he started "that's my dad, that's my dad" but when he missed every shot I was sunken in my seat and looking for the exits. Haha.
Haha, great story. Maybe the pressure of shooting in front of so many people got to him. Or maybe he was just not that good of a shooter.
Maybe a bit of both. In his day my dad was a very good baseball and hockey player. I don't think he played much basketball.
That's hilarious. Poor guy
Hey, my dad can get to say he played in Maple Leaf Gardens and the Skydome (he also participated in a Blue Jays fantasy camp where they played their final game at the skydome. That one was more fun to watch he actually got an hit). Not many people can say that.
That's really cool!
The most cool thing I got to experience related to pro sports was that I brought my 2 older kids to a family and friends skate a Rogers Arena a few years back. That was all thanks to my buddy who works at KPMG. He also treated me and a few friends to watch a Canucks game at the VIP section when he made partner. There are servers that come to our seats to take orders and bring us food and drinks. Pretty cool!
That sounds like fun.