Yes, talk to Sensei! Sensei will zap you 6-7 times out of 10. (I’m not infallible haha).
The reason why I zapped you back so early is could you clarify by what you meant by anger content? Haha. I’m curious to know
It's what I call content that is known to rile up many stackers here. Content that confirms our anger at the current system. Say, you post about how the economy is bad in Europe, pulling up a low-effort random graph (no source, just a screenshot without legend) that vaguely supports the claims, and you are sure to rake in a couple 1000 sats. I've posted it once or twice myself. Lots of stackers here somehow like this kind of negative content about the economy and how the current system is collapsing toward that elusive point of hyperbitcoinization.
I don't mind this type of content, as long as it is well-researched, shows both the good and the bad, etc. In all, I like nuance and a healthy level of positivity to counter the negativity. Our system is rotten, I agree, but let's think about how to make it better rather than confirm our bias over and over that Bitcoiners are the only ones who somehow have good intentions.
I could give you the name of a user who does this type of content all the time, but I don't want to name and shame ;)
(and good for them if posting this type of content is cathartic... it seems to resonate with lots of people... i just mute it... so "shame" is probably not the right word)
Your empathy score must be off the charts xP
You also made me realise that I need to beef up my knowledge about hyperbitcoinisation haha