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Welcome to my pet topic I like to complain about and 99% of people don't care about
The truth about wide aspect ratios is that they only feel more immersive. They fill more of your field of view - but you're. just. getting. less. picture.
Imax is basically as big as medium format - a little bit bigger.
What are these Other formats?
  • Super 8: a very small picture you're 11th birthday was filmed on where you unpacked your gameboy color. Small but nostalgic.
  • APSC. The scam they sell to people who think they're buying a good camera. Worst of all produced an entire industry of non-standard lenses that are incompatible with full-format
  • full format or 35mm/small picture. The classic thing you think of when thinking of analog. Good digital cameras are the exact same size.
  • Medium format: the peak of taste that humanity ever produced. For just $400 you can get a used mamiya camera that shoots photos like this. Beautiful bokeh. Highlights rolling off like candy. Lenses that are old are super sharp and have distinctive character. Imax movies were shot on this.
We used to be proper country. RETVRN.
In case I enticed you about the superiority of medium format:
Hasselblad, a legendary producer of analog medium format is still making digital medium format cameras. Their modular system was established DECADES ago and they're still honoring the compatibility of their system #399617 In case you have a lot of money. Otherwise Mamiya or 3d printed medium format cameras are cheaper to get into.
Or 35mm analog. These cameras are almost free on flea markets etc. Seriously.
Oh, I haven't mentioned why larger=better. Simply put it's about the amount of detail. I did write about how amazing drum scanners are on scanning details from analog film:
But the normal scanners already scan around 30MP which is lots. In case you're european: A company named Silbersalz from Berlin uses movie-film scanners to give you 100MP pictures from 35mm film for very cheap. When I'll have kids that's what I'll enshrine their childhood memories onto.
never thought about this before, interesting