Thank you for your reply. Now I understand that you are upset (?) because the competition runs counter to what you believe should be the differentiating feature of a BTC-related platform: trustlessness. Hence, if we were to follow strictly the ethos of BTC, we would not have let this experiment have a place.
I agree and I also think differently. Now that SN is flourishing better than ever, I think it’s a good idea to run a stress test to determine how Stackers were to respond if certain structures were gone. Of course, there is the saying “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”, but let’s say there comes a point in time where Daily rewards have to be sacrificed to pay for operational costs, will we Stackers adapt well to it?
My two sats’ worth
Stacker News is a great place, and it runs better because it's not entirely trustless. We all accept this. I wouldn't single that out as the main reason I don't like this experiment. I said my peace. I'll deal with it. I still love this place.