But it has not always been like that.
I have been living in this country, which is not where I was born and lived the first 30 years, for more or less a decade. This country is under a constant threat of a big neighbour. During the first years here I had a response prepared in my mind if somebody told me that they will attack us and we will be at war. I would have replied “then I will be in the first line.”
But 2020 came and the honeymoon was quickly over. I saw how everybody let politicians shit on them and they asked for more. They still do, now, in spring 2024. It might not have been that different at first in other places, but here it lasts. The people I thought were sophisticated and cared about freedom (at least the way I understood it) do not give a damn. They do unquestionably whatever the TV and phone tells them. And what others around do.
In 2021, for the crime of wanting to come back here, I was put into solitary confinement for two weeks and had to pay almost 2000 USD for it. That day the word “hate” first came to my mind. And has not left.
I turned 180° around. Now I have zero will to risk my life for this country. I doubt it will ever change again.