War and violence have always been a reality around me. Either civil or foreign war, we can't escape from it. People close to me have died or have suffered because of it. I always tried to avoid getting involved, because I don't feel convinced by any party, and I've been lucky enough to survive.
I don't give a damn about my country. I detest so many things about my culture. Most people are idiots, specially those in charge. I constantly feel threatened and my life is always at risk. I've always felt out of place.
I left for many years and had the opportunity to start a new life abroad, in a place where I felt safe. However, one day I just returned. I missed my family and friends. Even if they're not close to me, they need me, and I think I can help them. The only way I would get involved in a war is when the life and security of those I love is under threat. I would be willing to kill and die for it. Not sure if I would be brave though.
🙏 Wish you all the best in your situation which sounds pretty tough to me.
Appreciate it