Interesting. If we do hit 100k before my arms fall off from doing so many pushups, will you reevaluate?
I feel like an implication of your view is that we're going to get to all these exchange rates through fiat devaluation, rather than bitcoin acceptance (at least as the primary driver).
Also, I meant to forward 10% from this post to you. My bad.
Interesting. If we do hit 100k before my arms fall off from doing so many pushups, will you reevaluate?
You will be so swole, bro, that I will be forced to update my priors.
I feel like an implication of your view is that we're going to get to all these exchange rates through fiat devaluation, rather than bitcoin acceptance.
I think that's right, though I might tweak a bit: if we appreciate in price substantially faster than I'm imagining, it will probably not be real purchasing power so much as fiat catastrophe.
Also, I meant to forward 10% from this post to you. My bad.
That's very kind of you to even imagine doing. Muy amable.