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It's anyone's guess. Its fun to pick a number with a date like $1m by 2030, but anything can happen. I personally look down a little upon the big number bitcoin influencers. Its such an easy thing to say and it gets your attention but no one knows.
The vast majority of people still don't know anything about bitcoin so we're probably not going to see it's "ultimate" valuation in our lifetime.
I personally look down a little upon the big number bitcoin influencers.
Fair enough. I'm less interested in the number than I am in the thought process. I hadn't seen anyone work through that exercise before, although I'm sure many others have.
we're probably not going to see it's "ultimate" valuation in our lifetime
Yeah, "ultimate" wasn't the right word, since it will always be evolving. I wanted to get at what people are expecting somewhat long-term, but not so long-term that they won't live to see it.
I know for me as bitcoins purchasing power goes up I will likely spend it more.
There is a general number that I have in mind as a point I could retire (as in work on passion projects). Often thinking about doing this now with V4V combined with a 4 year holding period. Say in 2024 I just work on music, art and writing and over the year I earn 1m sats, I need to hold it until 2028 for it to be spent. Pretty sure my wife would not like this though. We'll see....