I'd like to introduce a new tag for this territory, namely: [Gigz]!
The idea behind this tag is, that people can request thoroughly written out articles about topics they'd like to learn more about.
I thought this would be a nice addition, since most of the content here either stems from books, or is in regards to books, thus, I'd like to make an effort to incorporate articles more, especially because there seem to be writers among us, too.
What I hope to achieve with the above, is the following:
  • More diversified content for the territory.
  • More targeted or specific content for the territory
  • Tying in the idea behind Value4Value: People receive value in the form of an elaborate article, and give value in the form of Zaps.
I know, the last point is already somewhat omnipresent on SN (more-or-less), but it'd act as a more direct implementation, I hope you get where I'm trying to go with this. 😄
An example could be the following:
[Gigz] I'd like to learn more about a transaction's journey through the Bitcoin network.
[Gigz] I'd like to learn more about the time before Bitcoin; what led to it?
And so on, and so forth.
Of course these don't have to be in regards to Bitcoin only, it can be everything you'd like to learn about.
I think that a broader implementation of likewise Tags could greatly improve the general content on SN, since people with time on their hands (like me) would be able to specifically cater to needs, instead of simply posting around, hoping that something sticks.
I'm not saying that that's the case (all the time), but I certainly do post things that I wouldn't have posted if I'd be able to cater to someone's needs, and I think I'm not the only one in that regard.
@siggy47 what do you think of the above instead of a WANTED-BOARD?!
I think it's the better choice.
It's an interesting idea. A writing bounty board. Only downside might be trying to run a bounty against people who are using AI. The disadvantage is more speed in that case. No writer is ever gonna outdraw an AI in a duel to write an article.
Yeah, although I think that we could isolate those submissions, AI has a style of writing of its own.
Nice improvement. Keep up the good work. So you say, something like "[Gigz] I'd like to learn more about a Cowboy lifestyle on Stacker News". And you get the right information? That's amazing!
Is this the sort of thing the "bounty" option might be useful for?
Meh, thought about it but then again, who likes to pay upfront for something that might be useful? And how much would be enough?
I'd say see what you get and âš¡ from there, thus, the Tag.
Who wants to spend hours writing a whole article with no guarantee whatsoever of being accepted? At least with the bounty, the amount is public and the offer is on the table.
Hmm, fair point. What now? Scrap the whole thing? Start a movement in the name of bounties? I don't know...
Give it a shot :) What are you willing to pay a writer to write about? Put an open offer on the table and/or a bounty and see how it goes...
Depends on the efforts I'd say, for example: is it written clearly, structured well and able to bring the point across?
The main idea is that there's more specific content, instead of the countless "what if's" posts, which I post, too. Not that there's a problem with that, I'm simply thinking out loud about ways to cater to more specific needs.
I think this type of thing is a "give before you get" sort of deal. I'm happy to write long articles and put time in on subjects I'm interested in, but probably not at the whim of someone else with no guarantee that it is appreciated.
Just my 2sats though -- others might respond quite differently.
It is a fair point you make.