Thanks for doing your research and sharing this info. I knew a clipper was a fast boat, because the Chinese translation for LA Clippers is 快艇 which literally means "fast boat". I did not know that it was a sail boat though.
New logo looks pretty cool. The jerseys look like they just got the font changed, subtle change versus the current jersey which I think looks fine. Personally, no particular preference between the old and new jersey.
I'm not sure about a player bearing the nickname Flying Cloud, because players get traded all the time and it don't seem to sit right to be able to take the nickname away from a player when they get traded. Maybe use that for a mascot or something team specific that will continue to stay with the Clippers no matter what.
That's cool that the name translates directly to fast boat. There were also Chinese clippers at the time as well called tea clippers. I wonder what the Chinese called them though. If it was the direct translation fast boat or they had another name for them.
So I did a quick search on tea clipper, and this site came up. Its seems they were just clippers but were used to carry tea from China and India to UK and America.
I don't know if the Chinese have a specific term for tea clippers but they probably refer to them as fast sail boats or something like that.