Why would you be sick? You wanted a house, you bought it. The main reason to have and earn money is to spend it on something that you can consume. You're sick of inflation, that's okay but what had you done in case you're trapped into a cage of hyperinflation. Wouldn't you be sick again because of Fiat.
Comparing Bitcoin to dollars or fiat is sin in itself. You should rather compare it to Gold or Real-estate. Maybe that way you can digest the whole phenomenon behind bitcoin.
1 btc = to 1 btc only when we start putting price labels on products in Satoshis or BTC. We need to build a whole new economy around Bitcoin. I don't know how we are going to do this but this is the only way that can possibly eradicate the need of fiats.
But again, Bitcoin isn't designed in a way to put price labels on products. It's quite difficult with Bitcoin. However we can do it, if we apply it to everything.