I'm trying to think about how someone could earn the nickname "The Flying Cloud" and nothing flattering is coming to mind.
What do you think of the new look?
The jerseys don't look very different to me from their current jerseys (or at least jerseys they've used). I think they're better than most of the monstrosities out there.
Yes, they are nice. They do look similar to current main jerseys but I think the lettering is more stylized and maybe similar to older clippers jerseys.
You're right. It's a blend of the two eras. I'd say an improvement on each.
But still not down for the flying cloud nickname? haha
It's fine if it fits. It would have to be an athletic, but not explosive, white guy with great touch, probably tall too.
Really, it sounds more like a signature shot to me than a nickname.
Haha Mason the flying cloud Plumlee is really the only option on the current Clippers roster. Maybe they will draft for this role.
It seems like an old school nickname a guy would have in the 70s or 80s. Guy floats through the air like a flying cloud. So since they are going back to their San Diego Clippers roots, why not?