The usual Pump It Up video, but just watch it and then read my text below
The imagery in this video gave brought in me a dangerous realization - What if....those in control of the Fed...printed money when Bitcoin was 30k, bought huge amounts of BTC, various people around the world spent a lot of their own currency to buy Bitcoin, then those scammers crashed bitcoin to 30 (1st time in 2021), result: all real currency of various countries got spent and the scammers were able to do it again in 2022 (2nd time) and thus they will do it again. Pump and Dump with global currency manipulation.
It means that whenever non-USA people buy bitcoin above 45, they are contributing their real currency to maintaining the USD fake currency scam. It means that non-USA people should only buy bitcoin at low prices between 16-30k. Will we ever reach this level again? Who knows!! Right now BTC is pumping.
If your focus is only about BTC price on the market, then you are missing the WHOLE point of Bitcoin.
I may continue to HODL despite everything (and I did, bought the top in 2021 and did not sell), you may continue to HODL and never sell. but the normies don't do hat. I'm just pointing out that at least twice this has been done. And thus it is likely to be done again. If the people who control the fed print a trillion dollars and buy bitcoin with it, then dump it all, they in effect make all other currencies other than USD weak, or at least the people who used all other non-USD currencies to buy bitcoin weaker.
Please don't mind if I say 'stop overthinking about FED and Manipulation'. If FED can control Bitcoin now, It must have controlled everything including Gold and crude. But it isn't that powerful. Bitcoin is absolutely beyond reach of such hazards. Bitcoin is people's money and nothing can doa 'pump and dump with it now. Yes nobody knows what exactly would be the price in a year or the next day but I can say with full conviction 'FED has nothing to do with this surge, it's ETFs, Halving and a start of Bull Run.
Gold and crude don't swing from 20k to 60k and back again to initial levels within the blink of an eye. I'm certain this is happening, this is not overthinking, this should have been very obvious to me earlier. I'm actually pissed that it occurred to me only now, when we are on the verge of possibly their 3rd dump.
Seriously!!! Bet with me Bitcoin isn't going back to -$30k territory within 2 years from now. And 2 years isn't blink of an eye. Okay, let's
Also look at Gold's 10 year price chart... It has also been bumpy ride over there
I'm not talking about from 2022 to now. I'm talking from last month to now. It has gone from 40 to 63. That's a blink of an eye.
In the first MAJOR bull run when Elon Musk tried the Rug Pull, it went from 10,000 to over 60 in a blink of an eye in the 2020 Covid free-money-cheques era. If they distributed $100 to the public, you can bet they used $10,000 for themselves. Who knows how many BTC they bought and sold in that Pump & Dump!? It also went from 60 to 30 in the blink of an eye.
The second MAJOR bull run of 2021 also saw it go from 30 back to 68 in the blink of an eye. The bleeding fall from 68 to 16 was slow, and it actually benefits the scammer to sell it slow. They only sell it for USD (which they print). But all the other countries' people who bought high and and now selling low (between 60 to 20 let's say) are in effect devaluing their own currencies. In some complex way, it seems these not-wildly-printed (and thus somewhat real currencies) are propping up the obviously-not-real-and-wildly-printed USD. And also making the people who bought high sold low poorer along with their countries and national currencies.
The "let's pump it up, we gotta pump it up" meme posting accounts might be run by these "elites" for all we know. After they are done buying, they might be creating 100s of such accounts. They can obviously manipulate social media and do sentiment analysis like crazy and give 100x the exposure to these "we gotta pump it up" memes exactly when it suits them, they own it! They own MSM. They can start showing positive stories of it when it suits them. They create a craze and get people to pile in on the bandwagon. Then they disappear when it goes to 30. If they truly care about bitcoin and the people, they should be singing "we gotta pump it up" when it's 20k, not when it's 63k. I've unfollowed a lot of these "seasonal" accounts. I don't trust them anymore. It's best to be skeptical about everything and never miss a chance to buy bitcoin low and to HODL through any crashes (manufactured or otherwise).
I feel there will be a time in the not-so-distant-future when Miners will stop accepting USD and USDT for selling their freshly mined bitcoin.
Even now, I think anyone selling bitcoin for fiat is a fool.
.03M vs .06M….its still cheap considering the value of fiat.
Actually, market cap wise, going from 1 trillion to 300 billion isn't that much (for them, in regards to propping up USD), but it's also not too little (for them, in regards to personal profits).
You might want to spend a minute learning about stock to flow.
After you learn about Stock to Flow, you might consider forgetting about it right away.
EDIT: More easily digestable article. Sorry for linking to Coindesk ;)
You can view the balance sheet. Gold is listed but not bitcoin. They probably wouldn't advertise that fact. So if they did have some it would be under 'other assets'
It doesn't need to be the Fed exactly who pumps and dumps from 30 to 60 to 30 again. You know who (((they))) are.
There's also the complexity of USDT in this mix. Even if it is some stablecoin, it's ultimately pegged to the USD. If the USD is being printed away wildly and maliciously (illegally isn't the correct word, because it's not illegal to infinitely print more currency). What keeps the USD in play despite the Fed wildly printing it away? First the consent of US citizens. Second, the petrodollar. Third, constant wars and the military industrial complex. Fourth, almost everyone in the world has been in a way bullied into using the USD.
I'm saying put yourself in the foot of an "elite". How would you devise a way to scam people if you were in control of the USD printing press and the Fed and also had ways to gather, pump and dump the price of bitcoin in a short time?