I loathe this sort of thing, that is rampant all across social media.
If you want to play 'dress-ups', buy a doll. Animals, including pets, aren't there for you to indulge your fancies on. Animals get nothing out of having hats & clothes put on them, and probably experience some discomfort.
Okay, boring, your life must be very bitter
"I use my pets as emotional slaves" but yeah, let's criticise the person who calls me out for this
I love & respect animals and speak out against their abuse. Calling me 'bitter' for doing this shows how much actual respect you have for animals.
So many ppl are bad pet owners who use animals to satisfy their own selfish needs (i.e. as emotional slaves). I'd estimate at least 80%. The kind of ppl who dress up their pets (often to post on social media and get a shallow thrill from 'likes') are never going to be part of the 20% who are good pet owners and who want what's best for their pet.
I have the most beloved pet shop in the city. I even take care of dogs and cats abandoned on the street and you say that I don't love animals?
The name calling started with you calling me bitter, as a way to dismiss criticism you didn't want to actually think about
and you say that I don't love animals?
If you read back you'll find that I never said that
You don’t know animals feel no emotional response from this type of engagement. The right call is to write up your thoughts on why you felt drawn to express yourself as you did. Best to you.