A lot of people do not agree or are getting angry with my views... But I'm never the one who is trying to force anything on anybody...
99% of my philosophy is respecting the Natural Law:
  • leave me alone
  • don't hurt people
  • don't take people's stuff (steal)
  • leave me alone
To some like you, this is "far right" or "anti-social, now. I am kindly telling you: FUCK OFF GOV SCUMBAG
You did not answer my question: Do you have a documented case where a person argued to be a sovereign individual in court, the judge ruled in their favour and thus made them exempt from taxation?
Are you interrogating me now ? After coercion yeah comes interrogation. Typical agent.
I'm just asking a question because I'm curious if your position on taxation is just theoretical or it has been proven in practice. So far, it looks to me like bravado detached from the reality of being an adult.
I hope you realize you're free to walk away from this conversation at any time.