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Another sentiment check.
Country after country is watching Bitcoin clear new ATHs against their fiat curencies. Not just small hyperinflated countries, China and India are staring at new ATHs against their local currencies right now.
Despite all of this, Bitcoin is a hell of a lot quieter at these levels than it was back in 2021 mania.
Is this the case for you? Or have nocoiners been reaching out to you more lately?
What's been your go-to orange pill content for people lately?
101 votes \ poll ended
Silence here. Part of it might be I think a lot of us learned our lessons after orange-pilling people during ATHs in 2021... so we have not been hyping it up like we used to.
I have a few coworkers I convinced to buy in ~60k region 2021... I can finally look them in the eyes again LOL. Now I can say "hey did you HODL???"
Lol, i also have some friends i may have convinced to buy a bit high as well xD
Seems that all of mine have HODLed so far!
yes, I'm happy that more people are getting interested in learning, but at the same time, I feel "sad" - not only earning less in SATs ( because unfortunately my courses are still priced in fiat ) and even more expensive to buy them. 👀
but okay, still good to spread the knowledge until the day can get rid of fiat!
classic bitcoin problems...having to lower prices over time to incentivize demand as NgU tech does its tech thingy :,)
FUCK THE NORMIES.... more sats for me
There's only so many times you can try to hand someone a life jacket before you just stop caring. Its there. If you don't want it, that's on you.
I've showed them the door so many times... I got tired
but some lucky ones are manged to get in!
I told a young man about bitcoin a few years ago. He even acquired some. I tried to give him some. I asked him the other day. Hey, are you still stacking? Nah, I sold it. I asked him why. I needed the money. I mean, you can lead a horse to water but you can't orange pill him.
This is my 3rd cycle and this time around I can't be arsed to answer questions, I just shut my yap, I blogged for 3 years over 700 articles and they didn't bother to read a single thing, maybe my content is shite and that's okay lol i tried, let the sats fall where they may
I have read from your site before, it is very well done imo!
I’m getting a couple of questions here and there. A friend considers me a guru and asked me to explain UTXOs to him the other day. Which is a shame because I could really do with more people using my SN’s referral link haha
That friend is much further ahead than most if theyre asking about UTXOs already. Get them on SN asap!!
Only people that I have gotten to buy bitcoin. A friend told me he owed me dinner. That's nice.
definitely gotta take him up on that offer. Make sure he's got it secured properly!
Crickets 🦗
they buy at the price they deserve
This really is true, including with friends & family.
But I think the larger picture is that everyone benefits from increasing Bitcoin adoption, because the world will be substantially better on a hard money system. Some ppl will get rich from the early run-up of the Bitcoin price (that we're still in) but that's actually incidental and not something that you really have to ensure others benefit from, even friends and family. The larger mission is for all society and everyone's benefit.
Stop the bailouts and forever wars
77 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 28 Feb 2024
I was thinking about that.
No one.... Not one
Do I just not have any friends anymore? Not sure
ur that crazy bitcoin psychopath guy now
a label of honor
I noticed the BTC/fiat exchange rates changing. However, I'm still waiting for actually droves of people being convinced of the hard and decentralized monetary system.
People who come now are came because of how the exchange rate developed over the last 6 months aren't being convinced of the hard and decentralized monetary system. I don't want to be too negative but that's what's currently happening.
a close relative who laughted at me when FTX crashed, said today he still doesn't want to "invest" in bitcoin, he says he preffers in gold instead because its physical.
i just replied "Ok"
ngmi, i don't care
Sounds like a couple of my relatives too..Haven't heard from them about it since bit was sub 30k
Nah, and for one very, very simple reason:
how long will it take for society to mentally detach Bitcoin from "crypto"?
Probably not in our lifetimes ;(
i have had math denier friends reach out.. i have told then happy to answer questions about bitcoin over a beer you buy for me at a scheduled time.. none of them take me up on that, so tells me how interested they actually are.. #Spam filter
Crickets. We haven't hit ATH in US Dollars yet though.
So dang close, what price will it take for them to wake up? The way it feels right now, nothing sounds interesting to a nocoiner until they see six digits on the price instead of five
Run this poll again in 2 weeks after we hit ATH
that's what i am thinking, curious to see how the data shifts, if at all. We'll run it again at 100k
They are all dollar centristic and all what they want - more dollars. I explain them how cool Bitcoin is, all what the see $50 one year ago now equal to $150
That's why we should teach all nocoiners around us
Crickets for me as well. I’m guessing somewhere between 80 - 100k is when I’ll start getting messages.
tbh as a nocoiner i feel like i wouldn't think anything of the price now until it his 100k,
What happens between 70k and 100k to get them looking? Curious..
I think the news stories of bitcoin hitting all time highs will definitely add a spark and then there’s just something that’s news catching, whether it’s in the media or you’re telling friends and family about an individual coin that costs 100,000 dollars. It’s like damn, why so valuable and how do I get in on this? Oh wow it started the year at 43k and it’s now 100k! Should I get in now!?
It’ll spark all those fun convos!
Shit! My momma asking about Bitcoin. I'm like, Mom, I already got you in Bitcoin. 🤣🤣🤣
Edit: Just saw the I have no friend answer! hehe
I have a small group of friends who I talk with about Bitcoin. Other than that, I've strategically mentioned it to people I think could use it, but if they don't bite, then I haven't pushed the issue.
And at this point, I have enough of a stack that I'm starting to get concerned about OPSEC if and when BTC skyrockets to absurd heights so my plan if someone I've talked to about it in the past comes asking about it is to shrug and say something like, "I dunno, I never really had too much of that. Wish I had more now though". Something like that where I can at least encourage them to go get some. Someone I don't know who asks me about it will get..."Naw wasn't my thing." I personally think we're about at the point where we don't need to go evangelize this thing. The word should be out by now.
On the other hand, in my close friends' encrypted chat, it's almost nonstop, super-detailed Bitcoin talk right now.
My taichi teacher, whom I tried to convert to the church of Satoshi 2.5 years ago, called me a couple of weeks ago after the ETF thing, and expressed curiosity with very good questions. (He had been very defensive about it before) I did my best to answer the questions objectively, warned him against shitcoins, and provided him with good beginner-friendly material. He's not a techie, so I'm worried he's feeling overwhelmed with all the literature. I might need to reach out and check in.
Another one just Whatsapped me this morning...
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