No. It means I know how to fight the gov and thieves. You don't. Because you are just a scumbag gov agent, a slave. Inciting to pay taxes is inciting to robbery. You are a criminal.
Inciting to pay taxes is inciting to robbery. You are a criminal.
Btw, the mental gymnastics involved here are olympic-level.
First of all, taxes are "robbery" only in a metaphorical sence, in that we disagree with their ethics. No court has ever ruled (to my knowledge) that taxation is an actual crime.
So calling someone a "criminal" because they "incite" to behave in line with the law is... interesting, at least.
Second of all, calling someone a "criminal" implies that there is a legal system to rule someone as such. But you clearly reject the authority of any such system, so... funny.
You're not "fighting" anyone. You're avoiding taxes.
If you ever slip up, or through a freak accident they track you down, you're going to jail.
Contrary to what you're trying to imply with your meme, no amount of dressing up as Darth or cheesy oneliners is going to change the fact that you're a tax avoider and the court is going to rule exactly that.