I think nations will fight for bitcoin hash power but just enough that no other nation has a majority, so most of the time it will be balanced and distributed around the globe. We will have less wars because they will be too expensive in a bitcoin only world. Along the years many bitcoins will be lost by nations, others stolen.People will have more time and will do more community services because they won't want to spend bitcoin just for someone else to do the work.
If hypothetically bitcoin is the only monetary resource, and it will have been over a century after Bitcoin became ubiquitous in 2040, at some point between 2040 and 2140 a switch will happen and mining block reward will no longer be a concern for the majority of the mining/energy providers/owners/operators, compared to utility provided by the actual purpose of mining - which is 51%/theft-protection/security/making it hack proof/cheating-proof etc. etc., i.e. basically to protect one's already owned bitcoin. In this situation, where there is no alternative possible except bitcoin, and countries are not friendly, wouldn't the ability to block or change the transactions of another power/govt./force be equal to nuclear power? I'm just trying to create more angles here. Some drama, instead of everyone just getting along. Let's say one nation develops nuclear fusion or such a chip technology where just 1 chip can do the work of millions of chips of the other countries. Then what?