Darth, you chose us as your enemy, but the feeling isn't mutual.
What we found was that navigating regulatory hurdles and accounting troubles were the biggest pain points of lightning companies. This is why we built Reflex to help businesses navigate those troubles and get back to building cool stuff.
We have far more to offer on the lightning operations side, but these products and features will roll out over the next year.
We have far more to offer on the lightning operations side,
More regulatory compliance right. FUCK AMBOSS Compliance is what will kill Bitcoin. And you are just helping that.
Enjoy your time in prison.
That is what will always say a gov agent... threatening, coercion. I am fearless, I did nothing wrong. I was in courts and challenge their authority over me the living man. I walked away free...
If you choose to live in fear... so be it, it's your choice. I am not living in fear anymore.
If you don't pay taxes, you go to prison.
608 sats \ 18 replies \ @Lux 28 Feb
If you pay taxes, you're a criminal https://www.probityco.com/
I mean, if you truly believe that, go right ahead. Stop paying taxes, and when you inevitably end up in court, go and try to make that argument. If you succeed, I would genuinely be happy for you (along with many more people, as that would establish a legal precedence).
But not everyone can take that chance because of the downside in case you fail to convince the court of your argument. See, it's hard to feed your family when you're in jail and seldom few people are willing to sacrifice their loved ones on a principle.
Why am I still here then? GTFO gov kiss ass. Your level of statism is disturbing. Pay your fucking taxes, I will not. Come and get me if you can.
It just means you were lucky so far.
No. It means I know how to fight the gov and thieves. You don't. Because you are just a scumbag gov agent, a slave. Inciting to pay taxes is inciting to robbery. You are a criminal.
Do not pay too much attention to Darth. He's clearly an romantic rebel type (and ideologically, I fully agree with him) and through his catchy memes has garnered an undue cult following here on SN. But clearly he has little to no experience of actually running a business. And trying to reason with him will only get some insults hurled at you.