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Social Media missing on that graph. x)
good point. where would you rank social media in relation to all the other drugs?
harm score of 100, i wonder if more people share the same opinion lol
There's a highly refined, crystalline substance derived from plants that they have omitted and that I would place above alcohol.
Refined sugar consumption at more than just very minimal amounts is a modern phenomenon (last ~240 years) and has been immensely deleterious to the health of the general population. Health effects include dental decay and malformation, diabetes and liver diseases, obesity, and more. Sugar enables modern food manufacturers to make 'attractive' low quality, highly processed foods (e.g. junk cereal breakfasts). We give sugar laden foods to children at a young age, setting up an early dependency and an estrangement away from properly nutritional foods. The sugar industry has been the instrumental cause/enabler of colonisation and slavery. Sugar addiction is almost universal, far more than alcohol addiction, and consequently much more harmful, even when some of the health effects of sugar addiction are mirrored in alcohol addiction.
I thought the same too, but aren't alcohol and sugar pretty much the same?
It's interesting that they included 'dependence' as a factor for harm to self but not 'co-dependence' as harm to others. Al-Anon is a pretty big testament to that issue.
I wanted to see if they weighted these things equally, and they ended up using something called swing weighting, something I am still trying to wrap my head around.
Here is another view of the data from the study:
Funny acid and shrooms have no harm to others
Some fun stuff on that list
score 20 drugs on 16 criteria: nine related to the harms that a drug produces in the individual and seven to the harms to others.
Do you know what the 7 criteria are?
Industry interests probably..
How is tobacco so low?
In the paper they explain this, basically tobacco mostly harm the active user, but it doesn't harm too much others around them.
With alcohol for example, lots of people die of someone else drunk driving for example.
I was going to reply with exactly the same article :)
Most people think "legal=good, illegal=bad", which is not that correct in this case.
They missed sugar on the first place. btw alcohol is made out of it
Crack is whack
Vaccine! Is missing.
Alert the press! MDMA 50 percent more harmful than mushrooms!
Well, you know what Karl Marx believed to be the opium of the masses... Never found anything more harmful for humanity than that. Just my personal opinion, of course.
Couldn’t believe that Alcohol is the most harmful, the most??? 😳😳
I treat a lot of these... seems stupid subjective but would move alcohol way down at least below amphetamines/meth/cocaine lol wtf. I see an order of magnitude more meth cardiomyopathy than alcoholic cardiomyopathy (you have to drink a TON to mess up your heart).
Meth will also fuck up yo skin and teef so if you want to go hard go classy with cocaine like the hollywood actors and models do.
Shrooms FTW!!
Oh fuck.. its a joke study..
Members of the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs, including two invited specialists, met in a 1-day interactive workshop to score 20 drugs on 16 criteria: nine related to the harms that a drug produces in the individual and seven to the harms to others.
After seeing the order went reading..
When you see ketamine, methadone, and benzos being labled less dangerous by said experts.. have to be a joke 😂