reason is a hammer
You can sit on a hammer or use it to build a chair. Reason is a tool. Reason is a means to an end and the end is whatever you want it to be. The most reasonable thing to be is reasonable just like the most circular shape is a circle. By the standards of reason, feelings alone are dumb but important feelings, like desires, can exist outside of the scope of reason.
you feel how you feel
Your feelings are truths about how you feel. One equals one. You feel how you feel. You can feel another way but then you feel that way. Reason and action can influence how we feel but they are not feelings. The reason you enjoy surfing is worth knowing, but the fact that you enjoy surfing matters. Regardless of the reasons for our feelings, our experience of reality is in large part how we feel about reality.
feelings are intelligence
Parents, teachers, and bosses deride feelings because we struggle to reason about feelings that aren't our own. The early feelings we have come from genetic blueprints shaped by our ancestors' lifetimes, while our mature feelings are shaped by our own experiences. Feelings can lack a clear origin and be nonsensical and flawed, but they are not flaws. Feelings provide decision making where reason is slow, unavailable, irrelevant, or inadequate.
your own ruler
The world is measuring you against a universal ruler, measuring how well you conform to its generic practical standard, but each of us is our own standard to be measured against. It's dumb to think you're special but you are. In some small mundane way you are better than all of us. Likely, you are better than all of us in many big important ways too. The universal ruler is largely inconsiderate of specialness and the universal ruler should, at most, be a rough template for making your own ruler.
feelings are a compass
As useful as a compass is, we consider where a compass has us going. As useful as a compass is, we look at a map if we have one. As useful as a compass is, all it does is point. Feelings provide something like a bearing. In unfamiliar territory a bearing is a godsend, but we need more than a bearing to navigate unfamiliar territory. Feelings cannot solve all of our problems or produce all of our work or tell us with precision what is right or wrong. Feelings are a tool like reason is a tool and only a fool would use a single tool for everything.