I have a newsletter, currently writing 1 article/week. This particular week...I don't know what to offer/talk about bitcoin and I don't want to write just meaningless BS...if someone has some advice or topic, I'll be right here.
Discuss bitcoin in poor and rural communities that don’t have internet access. How would you solve this problem?
Always wanted to do a newsletter, send me the link to yours I'd love to follow! Is it Bitcoin themed I assume?
oh, you should try it sir
As for me, I began because at those days, I didn't want to repeat 4 times the same thing: what's bitcoin, where to buy, blablabla...so, magical solution: write. At first, I made a blog but with the pandemic, decided to start making more opinion and experience based and a newsletter seemed logic to me. Best choice ever.
My newsletter is La Hora Cripto, where I talk several issues about bitcoin and other topics related. My newsletter is spanish-text, hit the subscribe button.
whats the link for it, would love to check it out