Russia had their own operation of little green soldiers. bro, just read and listen what Rus leadership is saying in public. They want more expansion.
this territory is moderated
Russia the biggest country on earth needs more expansion? Are you kidding? Maybe the western world needs more ressources for its fiat expansion? Eu/usa paid one billion dollar for this bloody revolution in ukraine and now its a puppet state. People never wanted this. But its not people who decide, its money. 10years of financed war against own brothers in the east ukraine now and peace was never an option. Russia wanted to stop this ongoing conflict 2 years ago after 8years of war. The world order is changing my friend. How many wars did america start in the last 20years? Whats with assange? America has destroyed so much and killed so many, i do not even want to talk about. Do you realize that israel has killed more poeple in gaza than the the russians did in ukraine? Now compare the size of gaza to the size of ukraine. Why do you think russia is losing so many soldiers in the battle? America invaded many states, some of them are still at war, but they never lost so many soldiers. Maybe the russians are really dumb and unable to fight, or they really want to free ukraine and not bomb it to hell like the us military would do.
So they attacked Kyiv to stop the conflict?! Yeah cos god gave Rus the territory they have now. Look what they did in Georgia. Look what they are doing in the Arctic. Lotta whataboutism.
Good points. Thanks