Hot take: there are times when you want to be brutal in rooting out bias; and there are times when bias is exactly what is wanted.
For this post (and whatever variants that follow) I want to be maximally biased -- this is the sense I've made of this little slice of the world, and that's what I'm giving to you. If people value the elvismercury bias, it will be useful; if they don't, no shame.
I try really hard not to fool myself with self-soothing messages, though. That's a kind of bias that chokes the life out of you, eventually. Or out of a community. But if you buy a can of Coke, you bloody well expect Coke to be inside.
this territory is moderated
I try really hard not to fool myself with self-soothing messages, though. That's a kind of bias that chokes the life out of you, eventually. Or out of a community. But if you buy a can of Coke, you bloody well expect Coke to be inside.
Yes, we need more authenticity and less conformity. Great example with the coke. I noticed I was very unauthentic for the most part of my life. I was unauthentic for so long, I actually thought that is me. I just am an unauthentic person, lol.
Turns out that's not true, I was just trying to conform too much. And that did choke the life out of me until I realized that's what's happening.
Very true. For your territory, bias is the point. It's silly for this to occur to me now. Totally different purposes. For books and articles, I am striving to get out of the way.