what is the difference between this tool , Reflex, that you are building (and selling ) to facilitate state surveillance compliance and Chainalysis, in your opinion? Or, is Chainalysis and the surveillance tools they sell not a problem, in your opinion? genuinely curious im certainly not an expert.
Im just not personally behind your justification of this is what businesses need being a reason or excuse to build such a product considering the whole point of bitcoin is to route around these obstructions and the legacy system.. this is not the kind of building i care to support. But, its your choice of course so 🤙
The existing "compliance" solutions are provided by companies that win through enforcement actions. The solutions that they provide also aren't suitable for lightning since they largely rely on heuristics.
Our solution is built to help businesses navigate regulation and flexible based on their jurisdictional requirements. Amboss wins with more businesses thriving in lightning, not more enforcement actions.