As a teacher, I set people up for success for a living!
You probably want to plan for what you want to do during these extra 15-20 mins of commute so that you don’t get angsty over lost time and productivity. And honestly, scrolling the internet mindlessly or gluing yourself to a downloaded show works as well if you need to decompress from your work pressures.
Here is a list of things I do:
  • plan a list of undone tasks to prepare for the next day
  • read a book
  • post something on SN or Publish0x
  • shut my eyes n breathe
  • call a friend to chat
As you can see, I’m not a man of routine. I think my wife reads a book every day on her commute. She’s disciplined; that’s why I married her haha.
Last year, I used to run from my workplace to the metro station to clock in my daily need for exercise. This year has been crazy but I expect to get back to it.
Download the sMiles app if you don’t want sacrificing your privacy for petty sats. @Undisciplined has a referral code. I used to do that but unfortunately it doesn’t accept my phone number as verification haha
Use the walks as a chance to explore new things around the neighborhood. Curiosity kills boredom.
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