pull down to refresh

Sensei furrowed his brow in concentration. 497k sats. Should he write another post to earn the sats that would push him over the 500k bar?
His mind pressed the brake pedal. He had already posted twice that day - a chart about sleep hygiene and a post about emotional intelligence. He had no lack of ideas about what to post next, but should he restrain himself?
He did read “The Compounding Seeds of Creativity” that advocates how creativity must be discharged regularly. So, by right, he should post another time so that he could free up his mind for more ideas to germinate. On the other hand, he didn’t want to be typecast as an sats farmer even though he kinda was.
Why was that 500k bar so important to him anyway? Did he have to cross it, like now or tomorrow?
The tug-of-war played out in his mind. He frowned while brushing his son’s teeth.
Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a notification on his SN profile. Why did his sats stash increase?!
Drawing a sharp breath, he refreshed his screen. He was mentioned in Issue 4 of Books and Articles Newsletter. Okay, getting a shoutout in this newsletter was nothing new, but why was he being forwarded sats?
“Oh, I won the top post of the week,” he mumbled. But he was still as confused as ever. His post about the bricklayer parable didn’t net him that many sats in the grand scheme of things. Why was it given a high zap rank?
He searched furiously for information on zap rank. How was it assigned? To what extent did the sats quantity play a part? Would it be higher if Stackers with high trust scores zapped his post?
The web of questions grew. But it was time for bed. He took one last glance at his total sats stacked and determinedly left his phone in the living room. Sensei must sleep well to prevent dementia in future! (#300964)
The next day, he woke up. He wanted to say that he ambled to the living room like a BOSS, but that would be lying. No, sir, he hastened his steps towards the phone. He pressed his sats count. Goal reached!
Moral of the story? Sometimes, the Universe provides for you in unexpected ways.
—- Passing some happy sats to @hodlpleb as a show of support
Very nice!
I didn't realize it when I was closing in on 1 million sats, but I made a joke about needing to be a millionaire and both @ek and @elvismercury zapped me over that milestone and let me know about it.
In my confusion, I thought they had actually zapped me a million sats on the spot, but no such luck.
How dare they give you misleading signals?! 😤
Get them to repent by zapping you the amount that will help you reach your second million
Great! Congrats! Next goal: 100k sats! But, most importantly, continue to write good posts and share interesting ideas.
Welcome to SN!
I see that you have been busy contributing great links!
Hope you stay forever xP
Nice work!
The question is, how much left on your wallet?
6500 sats now haha.
I bought too many Bitrefill gift cards: #418183
It's great you absorbed and push through your account ~500k sats.
Yes we should sacrifice our scarce sats to push technology. Anyway it'll pay off even if we'll have less thant have today
Have a great day and keep on stacking
Hey - Wow, thank you. The generosity here keeps showing up in unexpected ways, I suppose this is the Universe provides for you in unexpected ways, as you said.
Congratulations on your milestone. I just crossed 100k on here... unfortunately due largely to my recent posts, but am doing my best to absorb all the love.
Positive vibes here only.
Hang in there.
Congrats! for much more sats to come :D
Well done, and well deserved, Sensei!