1. Go easy on yourself. Your brain ๐Ÿง  is trained on zippy, shifting seas of cyber information. It's not an easy thing to remap it for focus.
  2. That's no excuse to be lazy. The brain isn't static, but very moldable, which you can use to your advantage in training it. Think of it like exercising flabby arm muscles at the gym. ๐Ÿ‹๏ธ Everything is hard at first and gets easier with time.
  3. Replace some cyberspace time with meatspace time. It's fun here and all, but counterproductive when you're remapping. Have you considered using tools (screentime, cold turkey, whatever) to block out the internet for a time? Even a 3-day trip offline can do the job. The point isn't to never come back, but just to wean your mind off Dopamine Land the internet for a while.
  4. Take notes about what you read. ๐Ÿ“– Forgetting what you read isn't any different from never having read at all. Study a single book at a time, and chew your food like a cow ๐Ÿฎ grazing on grass. This is why it's important to choose good books you can stay with for a while.
Protect your focus and your focus will protect you. ๐Ÿซก
To add on to point 4, think about what you can immediately apply from the book youโ€™re reading. Quick application increases the value of what youโ€™re reading and boosts your motivation.