Viz., this:
The cult is so spiritual that even the term "sacrifice" is equivalent... to the term "thought." When... asked... [by Ahura Mazda] "To whom would you address your worship?" Zarathustra replied, "To thy fire!"... Sacrifice is the occasion, or more precisely the "support," of a theological meditation.
This idea is linked in other cultures as well.
  • The goddess of the Roman household was Vestia, or Hestia, in whose name Roman men maintained an eternal flame in their home's fireplace, their hearth. The city of Rome maintained an eternal flame to Vesta for centuries, attacks against which were viewed as assaults against the state, until the Christian emperors extinguished the flame in the 390s.
  • Your own focus, as in your attention, as in the orientation of your cognitive energy, has its ideological roots in the word...
Probably nothing 🤷
There are also the Indian yogis who perform the sadhana of tending a sacred fire for years at a time, never to let it go out. And many other examples.
Definitely something ;)