Even though the title was slightly provocative it was not meant to create FUD. Your perception of the post is a reflection of your own thinking. There are many gems within it when you reflect positively about it. and Yes, I realize BOS Read.me states not to broadcast. That was my mistake.
I think you missed the point of the post. The punch line is if you mess up stay calm bc there is always a way to recover and people willing to help. The more you learn the more comfortable you will become to continue the journey.
I understand your intention. Also, this is SN. Current SN users can read past the title.
However, I would refrain from such titles on Crypto Twitter. Big-blockers are jumping on stories that, in their opinion, confirm the small blockers were wrong to push for L2 scaling solutions.
It's good to be critical of LN. But beware of ill-intentioned actors when doing so.
As to your story, this reminds me of when I had a fairly large amount of BTC locked due to a corrupted channel.db after updating my OS. Chantools, getting help from people such as Nitesh, and other LND experts, on specialized Telegram groups, barely sleeping for a few days... knowing the funds were safe, yet a fair amount of technical knowledge being required to unlock them... PTSD... good times :)
Yep, exactly that. And for cases like this, as OP, I wrote those several guides about running nodes, warning the noobs, that this is a serious task, not a fancy facebook to open channels with friends...
But many people ignored my advice...
We have all benefited from those articles. I have read many of you articles throughout the years. thx. There are perils with node running.
Yes, Nitesh is very helpful. good dude. You are correct about the big blockers jumping in. no doubt they malicious opportunist.