The Razor's Edge with Bill Murray, movie, then W. Somerset Maugham.
At first I didn't like this post. So I watched the movie and then I circled back and I liked it more.
Malcom X, Spike Lee and Denzel Washington then read Alex Haley's brilliant, funny work.
JRR Tolken, All 4 books. The Animated series of the 1970s is good. I read the books as a young pre-teen. I hate all of the modern Tolken based movies.
I can't believe I have not seen The Razor's Edge. Added to the to-watch list.
And I am a bit ashamed that I have never seen all of the animated series yet (just 5 mins of it), and that I did not mention it here.
But you wrote this post and thus you were able to extract goodness from others and you also helped yourself. Winning!