Fascinating. Thanks for sharing!
Only just started reading but bookmarked for later.
I did not feel comfortable sharing private correspondence earlier, but decided to do so for an important trial in the UK in 2024 where I was a witness. Also, a long time has passed now since the emails were sent.
I'm guessing "an important trial in the UK" refers to the current COPA vs CSW case?
74 sats \ 1 reply \ @nout OP 23 Feb
Yes, afaik Martti was testifying there.
Btw, Martti is here: https://iris.to/npub1g53mukxnjkcmr94fhryzkqutdz2ukq4ks0gvy5af25rgmwsl4ngq43drvk he's the author of Iris nostr client.
He certainly was! I was able to dig up this little gem from his testimony at the trial:
In the proceedings he was asked to spell out my name for the court reporter, and he misspelled it as “Marrti”. I do not think this was a mistake in transcribing because my name was written correctly elsewhere in the transcript. Satoshi could spell my name! Craig Wright also said I was Norwegian but I am Finnish. I emailed Satoshi from my addresses ending in .fi. In one of the exhibited emails I even gave him my street address in Finland.
Note: The "proceedings" mentioned above refer to an earlier CSW trial, the Kleiman proceedings.