yes, but sometimes these guys really get on my nerves! i can't tell you how many conversations i've had with German smart alecks about bitcoin and got nothing but this mild smile from heirs who've had the money of two successful generations fall into their laps and have no idea about this world. And then comes the moment when I look at my own life, started from my parents' bankruptcy, without any help, nothing, and then ask myself: isn't it fair if they are left out for once? when completely different people enjoy the happiness of the first hour?
Some people are born into wealth and privilege, and they never have to worry about the cost of living. They may not understand the value of life, and they may even take it for granted. This can lead to them making reckless decisions that put others at risk.
that's exactly the point, and as far as i'm concerned: i grew up in very wealthy circumstances, and in the end had to witness the insolvency of my parents. but i never felt envy or resentment towards others afterwards. quite the opposite: it was a huge motivation to create something, to get back on top, also in the name of my family. i find this cynicism of wealthy heirs that i encounter today all the more terrible, which i can't understand at all and which in my opinion is always a sign of coming decline.