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What are history podcasts you like and would recommend?
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The Dangerous History Podcast - CJ Kilmer
I can't believe I forgot to mention this one!!
  • The History of the English Language - This is very comprehensive and moves quite slowly forward through the history, with a lot of etymology along the way. It's only got up to Shakespeare and Elizabethan times just recently at around the 170th episode mark. So if you don't have an interest in language and linguistics then you might find it too slow, but I've enjoyed it.
  • Revolutions - Several series of episodes covering various revolutions (English, American, French, Russian, Mexican, etc). I most enjoyed listening to the French Revolution series (but haven't actually listened to them all). I knew the broad outlines of the French Revolution but had never properly 'studied' that period of history or read treatments of it so a lot of the detail was new to me. I actually had to stop for a bit and take a breather around the middle as the revolution just kept on going further and further to extremes and I was finding it just too crazy (not the podcast, the actual history).
The Ancients ArchaeoEd The Secret History of Western Esotericism Oldest Stories The Explorers
Thank you for these recommendations. After looking at their websites & episode lists I've added 1, 3 & 4 to my pod player. (Already had 5 and while 2 also looks good I somewhat limit my interest in the Americas.)
The Rest is History is a really solid one from the UK. Dan Carlin got me onto it, good guys!
Joe Rogan likes Hardcore History but I'm not into the genre much.
I couldn't really get into Hardcore history.
Does the Bible in a year by father Mike Schmitz count? It’s excellent!
I'm going to say no, but thanks for sharing.
Dan Carlin, Hardcore History! His voice and story telling is stellar.
I also forgot to mention one of my favorites! It's a gastro-archaeology podcast, the Delicious Legacy!
Looks interesting, cheers
Ancient Warfare Fall of Civilizations The Age of Napoleon The Napoleonic Quarterly The Napoleonic Wars
If you can't tell I have a penchant for napoleonic history. I'm surprised I don't have anything related to ancient roman history, maybe that's been lost to an old podcast player, these were all the history podcasts that I am currently subscribed to, though not all are active.
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I would not quite consider that a history podcast, though it's an interesting recommendation.