This is a weird connection I just made but it reminds me of the idea of real estate "ownership".
Yea you can rent out this land. As long as you do it the way we want, follow our rules and we don't see any better uses for it in the meantime.
Same thing goes for your voting rights. Just like a company car. You're just renting it out, buddy. Don't go having too much to think there or we'll take back those voting rights. Shout out to @jimmysong for this analogy lol.
this territory is moderated
and you address exactly the point that makes me despair in the face of the Germans: bitcoin is the only form of direct private property available to us. especially in a country with this diverse communist history and the emerging state populism, such a form of ownership should actually be in great demand. and what do I experience: the total rejection of bitcoin! the German is and remains a subject of the state. just as Heinrich Mann wrote in his book 'der Untertan' in 1914